How to use the Gourmetmiles App

  • - From Home Screen select SEARCH.

    - Then select NATURAL FOOD.

    - Enter food name. There are often several variations of every food. Scroll until you find the closest match.

    - Use the Food Category dropdown to further refine your search if necessary.

    - Press (+) next to the food name.

    - Review Alerts screen to identify any allergens or ingredients you want to avoid.

    - Press ADD.

    - From the How Much screen, select WEIGH or select a predetermined serving amount from the SELECT SERVINGS dropdown.

    - If WEIGH is selected, power on your MACROSCALE and weigh item directly or in a bowl/plate. If weighing in a bowl/plate, place empty bowl/plate onto MACROSCALE and then press TARE. Your food is now ready to be weighed.

    - Once added, press ADD TO MY DIET RECORD.

  • - From Home Screen select SCAN.

    - Then select FOOD BARCODE.

    - Scan food barcode. If barcode is not in the database, click YES when prompted to Search by Brand Name. Most packaged foods are in the database. (Tip: Search by brand name only and scroll until your item is found. If brand has many products, try selecting a category from the FOOD CATEGORY dropdown. If brand name is a common word or phrase, try searching for the most unique word(s) in the product title).

    - Press (+) next to the packaged food name.

    - Review Alerts screen to identify any allergens or ingredients you want to avoid.

    - Press ADD.

    - From the How Much screen, select WEIGH or select a predetermined serving amount from the SELECT SERVINGS dropdown.

    - If WEIGH is selected, power on your MACROSCALE and weigh item directly or in a bowl/plate. If weighing in a bowl/plate, place empty bowl/plate onto MACROSCALE and then press TARE. Your food is now ready to be weighed.

    - Once added, press ADD TO MY DIET RECORD.

  • - From Home Screen select SEARCH.

    - Then select RESTAURANT FOOD.

    - Enter restaurant name. If there is a partner restaurant within 100 miles of your current location, it will appear.

    - Select the restaurant.

    - Select the menu category for the food you’d like to add.

    - Press (+) next to the menu item name.

    - Review Alerts screen to identify any allergens or ingredients you want to avoid. (Some Ingredient & Allergy alerts may not be available for Indirect Partner restaurants. For a complete list of Indirect Partner Restaurants, see “Indirect Partner Restaurants” below this section).

    - Press ADD.

    - Select the portion amount (25%, Half, 75%, All) you consumed or plan to consume.

    - Customize any changes made to the original menu item by pressing CUSTOMIZE THIS ITEM.


  • The Macroscale can be used as a “Scale Only” or as a “Nutrition Tracker”.

    To use the Macroscale as a Nutrition Tracker, follow the (Add Natural Food or Add Packaged Food) steps above.

    To use the Macroscale as a Scale Only, select the MACROSCALE button or MACROSCALE icon from the home screen. This will prompt you to pair your Macroscale. Be sure your Macroscale is powered on and within range.

    Select the PAIR MACROSCALE button. You are now ready to use the “Scale Only” feature. (Note: the “Scale Only” feature will not calculate the nutrition values of the item weighed. It will only display the item’s weight). You can toggle weight values (grams, milligrams, ounces, pounds, & milliliters) by pressing the UNIT button.

    For troubleshooting issues with your Macroscale, please refer to the instruction manual enclosed in the original packaging or visit ( Most pairing issues can be resolved by powering your Macroscale off, then back on.

  • Your Diet Dashboard displays your total calories, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients consumed for the day.

    Food entries can be edited or deleted by scrolling down the Diet Dashboard page and swiping left on the food item name.

    At midnight, food entries can no longer be edited or deleted for the previous day. (Note: Having incorrect or test data logged into your Diet Record is harmless as the data is only intended for you and those you share your diet record with).

    A full orange bar indicates you’ve met the minimum recommended requirement for that nutrient. For ingredients that are not recommended (trans fat, added sugars, saturated fat, etc.), a full orange bar indicates you have consumed enough for the day and are still below the recommended max amount.

    A full orange-red bar indicates you have exceeded the recommended daily amount for that nutrient. Click the “information” icon next to the nutrient name to read why exceeding the recommended amount can be harmful to your health.

    All nutrition recommendations are sourced from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Recommendations are based on age, gender, and activity level.

    Currently the NIH doesn’t have maximum recommended amounts for certain nutrients (sugars, sodium, etc.) because they are tied to recommended calorie intake. For example, if you consume a higher than normal amount of natural sugars from fruits, assigning a total sugar limit could be counter productive. Instead the NIH assigns a recommended calorie limit. This encourages you to consume as many fruits and vegetables as you’d like as long as you don’t exceed your recommended calorie intake.

    Other nutrients (Vitamin A, Niacin, Caffeine, etc.) do have hard limits due to toxicity levels when consumed in excess. These items will show an orange-red bar once the recommended max amount is exceeded.

    For more information on each nutrient, their benefits, and hazards, click the “information” icon next to the nutrient name.

  • From your Diet Dashboard, click the My Diet Record button. This page displays a snapshot of your calorie and nutrient consumption for the past 5 days.

    You can automatically share your diet record with your dietician, fitness coach, family, and friends each month by adding up to 3 email recipients.

    Diet transcripts are emailed each month on the 1st (with complete nutrition data for the previous month). This feature is free for 30 days. After 30 days, a premium plan must be purchased to access your Diet Dashboard and Diet Record.

  • Indirect Partner Restaurants are restaurants that share some nutrition data with the USDA but do not work directly with Gourmetmiles. We don't have full ingredient data for our Indirect Partners. We are unable to provide complete food allergy, harmful ingredient, and foods you’d like to avoid alerts for certain menu items. We can still provide nutrition data (calories, vitamins, minerals, etc.) for diet tracking purposes. See our list of Indirect Partners below and consume their foods with caution, especially if you have food allergies:

    -Burger King






    -Olive Garden

    -Papa John’s

    -Pizza Hut




    -Taco Bell


  • Gourmetmiles automatically prompts to “Save Recipe” when multiple ingredients are added to your diet record.

    Once two or more ingredients are added to your diet record in a single session, a pop-up asking “Is this a new Recipe?” appears after the final ingredient. If this is a recipe you plan to consume more than once (meal prep ingredients, smoothie ingredients, salad ingredients, etc.), select YES.

    After YES is selected, give your recipe a unique name then click SAVE. Your new recipe can now be found in the MY RECIPES tab of the MY ACCOUNT menu.

    The next time you are having that recipe, simply tap the recipe name and select the original serving size or use your Macroscale to weigh the amount you are consuming. All nutrition values for that serving will be saved to your Diet Record.

  • Earn miles at partner restaurants based on how much you spend.

    Partner restaurants display a cash amount earned at the bottom of every receipt. Scan QR code to upload your credit.

    Once 500 Gourmetmiles are earned, a digital voucher (worth $5) can be used same as cash towards any food item in the restaurant.

  • All features of the Gourmetmiles app are free for 30 days. Once 30 day trial expires, features such as Diet Dashboard access and Diet Transcripts aren’t accessible without an upgrade to Gourmetmiles Plus.

    Harmful Ingredient alerts, Food Allergy alerts, and Ingredients I Want to Avoid alerts, as well as other app features (loyalty, recipes, etc.) will remain free to all users with or without premium accounts.

    After an account upgrade is processed, you may need to sign-out and then back in to your account to access premium features.

  • Why does it say “This barcode not currently in our database” when I scan food barcodes?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles uses the USDA’s FoodData Central database. While this database is robust (over 464,800 foods), it does not have every barcode listed. However, most branded foods sold in the U.S. are in the database, even if the barcode isn’t. Select YES when prompted to “Search by Brand Name”. When searching for brand name, search for the brand name only and scroll until your item is found. If brand has many products, try selecting a category from the FOOD CATEGORY dropdown. If brand name is a common word or phrase, try searching for the most unique word(s) in the product title.

    I’ve used MyFitnessPal and MyNetDiary before and they had every barcode I scanned in their databases. Why doesn’t Gourmetmiles?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles uses USDA’s FoodData Central database. While this database lacks an extensive barcode catalog, it more than compensates with full ingredient data and nutrition accuracy. Also, most branded foods sold in the U.S. are in the database, even if their barcodes aren’t. Gourmetmiles users will likely need to use the “search option” more frequently. We believe this is a small price to pay for ingredient, food allergy, food preservative, artificial color, artificial flavor, ingredients you don’t like, religious restricted ingredients, and harmful synthetic ingredient information. We have taken no shortcuts with providing accurate, complete, reliable nutrition data to our users.

    Why are there very few or no partner restaurants nearby when searching restaurant foods?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles is a brand new company. We continue to grow our list of partner restaurants daily. You can help us with our growth by telling your favorite restaurants to “get Gourmetmiles”.

    Why are there missing items from some restaurant menus?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles has two types of restaurant partners. Direct Partners and Indirect Partners. We have much more data with our Direct Partners as we work directly with them to digitize their entire menu. This enables Gourmetmiles to provide detailed ingredient and nutrition information for everything on the menu. Indirect Partners are restaurants that share some nutrition data with the USDA but typically have missing ingredient data. Gourmetmiles has far less nutrition and ingredient data for our Indirect Partners, making their menu information less complete.

    Why can’t I customize my restaurant food entry?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles has two types of restaurant partners. Direct Partners and Indirect Partners. We have much more detailed data with our Direct Partners as we work directly with them to digitize their entire menu. This enables users to customize restaurant ingredient data for our Direct Partners. Indirect Partners are restaurants that share some nutrition data with the USDA but typically have missing ingredient data. Gourmetmiles has far less ingredient data for our Indirect Partners, making their menu items less customizable.

    Where does the nutrition data for the Gourmetmiles app come from?

    Answer- All nutrition data for the Gourmetmiles app comes from the USDA’s FoodData Central API.

    How does Gourmetmiles determine my suggested nutrition intakes?

    Answer- All nutrition recommendations are sourced from National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggestions. Recommendations are based on age, gender, and activity levels. Gourmetmiles adds a buffer of 500 calories (plus or minus) to NIH suggestions to account for height/weight variations. This means that alerts will not be displayed for calories or calorie based nutrients until an excess or deficiency of 500 calories are reached for your recommended intake range.

    What’s next for Gourmetmiles?

    Answer- Gourmetmiles is a brand new, health-tech company with big plans to help the world eat smarter. In the coming months you can expect to see a Scan Supplement Barcode feature within the Gourmetmiles app. For those who rely on vitamins and supplements to meet their nutrition goals. Also, as our company grows so will our list of partner restaurants. You can help with this by telling your favorite restaurants to “get Gourmetmiles”. You deserve menu transparency as well as nutrition, health, and food allergy information.

  • Do you have additional questions not addressed above? Please contact us at

    We are constantly striving to better our service and are eager to hear your feedback, suggestions, and kudos!